.......and all round the Funky Folks' Houses everything was wrapped and serene and ready for the big day....
or maybe not....
because if you're anything like me (it's Kathy here btw) you'll be crafting and tweaking things right up to the last minute. In fact, while I was writing this I was just thinking that all I had to actually make now were a few pretty things to decorate my parcels when I remembered a gift card holder of some sort that I still need to make. And it's for my MiL, so forgetting wouldn't be a good more. ooops!
Anyway, I hummed and ha'ed about what to share with you this close to Christmas and then decided a little reminder of a couple of packaging ideas might be a help for last-minute wrapping, plus a couple of ideas for making your parcels look just a bit special when they are sitting under the tree - it's always amazing how adding a bit of something made from paper really makes a gift look extra special
First though here are those ideas for the actual packaging
If you've got the Funky Hand Papercraft Factory CDs then don't forget to check out the templates sections for some great ideas;
There are also a couple of envelope templates on the CDs - great for making presentation envelopes for gift vouchers or tokens and so much nicer than a plain envelope or dull card.
The pillow box template is one of my favourites and is soooo easy to use. I've made a shamballa bracelet for each of my three nieces
This pillow box will be for one of them
This little origami box will be perfect for another of the bracelets - fabulously easy to make from a couple of paper squares!
You can find the link for how to make the box, along with instructions for how to make the flowery topper HERE
Papers and flower image all from the Daisy Day download
I do love to make a few "pretties" to put on my parcels - add a bit of ordinary curling ribbon, or even a scrap of tinsel and they really add some sparkle to your gifts.
Rosettes are just the simplest way to add pizzazz - you can make them from wrapping paper, or choose one of Funky Hand's fantastic papers to make it even easier as there are so many colours and designs you're sure to find something to match your wrapping! I often just hand fold a strip of paper, but better still is using a die such as those from Memory Box and my trusty Cuttlebug!
I#ll be making loads of rosettes for my parcels this year, but I thought I'd show you a tag I've made instead - these are fab for using up any paper scraps you have left from all those cards you've been making!
This multi-layered star looks complicated but is really easy - so easy that in a previous life I made them with a class of 6 year olds. Use them "flat" with some curling ribbon and maybe a tiny offcut of tinself in the centre for a gift topper, or add more layers on the back then pierce a hole right through the centre and add some ribbon or cord to make a fabulous bauble
Start by printing on both sides of your paper, then cutting a bunch of circles - either by hand, with a punch or with a die cutter - there are 4 circles in the star I've made
Fold one circle as shown in the diagram, then holding the four circles tightly together on top of each other, use the fold lines as a guide for making the cuts - stop cutting about 1.5cms from the centre
Each circle will now look a bit like this
Now curl the ends of each section inwards - you could use the pointed end of a pencil to help form the shape if you wanted. Add a dab of glue to hold them in shape, the next photo shows one being made
Once all your stars are made all you need to do is add a dab of glue in the middle of the first one and stick star 2 in the middle, repeat with the other stars - they will take up the rounded shape as you go and you'll end up with something just like the one in the first photo.
Here's another "star" decoration, this time made using 8 squares of paper. I've used the Winter Wonderland download again for this one too
I used 10cm squares and the resulting star is quite large - great to put on a big gift box - but for my next one I'll start with smaller squares.
Again, you need to print on both sides of the paper before you begin
Cut 8 squares then fold each in half 4 times so there folds going straight and daigonally, and going each way.
Making these folds makes it easier to do the next bit
With the square folded on one of the diagonals, push the corners (of the long side) in to form a square - or diamond shape if you prefer ;) crease firmly
Now fold in the two sides of the top square so the top bit looks a bit like a kite shape like this:
Do the same thing with all the squares then join them all together by tucking each one under the "kite" shape of the previous one - use a dab of glue to hold them in place. Eventually you get a shape like this, which you can decorate with ribbon, tinsel, glitter etc Add a hole in one of the "points" if you want to hang it up
Looks complicated but really isn't, the folds are really easy quick and you'll have your star finished in no time!
I hope you've enjoyed my little bit of gift wrapping inspiration - even if it's a bit late for Christmas the ideas might come in handy for other gift giving occasions.
We'll be back soon with more ideas for using your Funky Hand stash - but please remember that we would really love to see what you make with yourss - the Linky Gadget is there to be used so please come and share your creativity with us soon.
Wishing you all a Very Happy and Creative Christmas

The linky that you see below is for you to add pictures of anything you have created using Funky Hand products recently or what you have made using the latest
Funky Freebie download available on the Funky Hand website